When I first started my weight loss journey, I weighed 118.4 kgs. My GP asked me to take number of follow up tests based on my blood test report. One of the test was to do 24 hours BP monitoring test. The reason of this test is to check if I had high blood pressure.
The results came in and the numbers were moderately high. This meant my GP put me on medication. Just to be doubly sure if weight was the only primary reason for my high BP, I was asked to do few additional tests which came all good. This meant weight was the only reason.
After rigorously following my strength training and diet charts, I lost approximately 38.4 kgs. Last week in my appointment with my GP, I asked if it was a good idea to get the 24 hours BP monitoring test done again just to check the numbers. The doctor agreed and felt it was a good idea to do the test as it was more than 2 years.
I did the test early last week and keen to review the result with my doctor very soon.
Fingers crossed and I am extremely confident that I will be taken off the BP medicine.
Waiting with hope!